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When Was Your Last Professional Teeth Cleaning?

How regular teeth cleaning appointments from your general dentist in Bethlehem, GA, can protect your smile

Do you remember when you last had your teeth cleaned by a professional? It’s an important question. According to the Mayo Clinic, when your mouth isn’t healthy, it can increase your risk of suffering major health issues like having a stroke, heart problems, and diabetes. Regular professional teeth cleaning appointments can help keep your smile healthy.

Dr. Marlon Brown at Gateway Dental & Implant Center in Bethlehem, GA, offers complete dental care services, including professional teeth cleanings to protect your smile.

Great oral health is all about removing plaque, as frequently and thoroughly as possible. That’s why brushing after meals and before bed, and flossing every day is so important.

Plaque contains millions of bacteria that can produce toxic by-products. These toxins are strong enough to cause tooth decay, gum infection, inflammation, and even bone loss.

Regular professional dental cleanings are another cornerstone of great oral health. That’s because, during your teeth cleaning appointment, your dental care provider removes plaque, and also the hard deposits, known as calculus, or tartar. Removing calculus is important because it provides an environment where plaque bacteria can thrive and cause damage. Only your dental care provider can remove calculus.

You will also benefit from the homecare instruction, tools, and techniques your provider can show you during your appointment. What you do at home continuously is a huge part of what keeps your smile healthy.

You should plan on regular teeth cleaning appointments every 6 to 12 months if you have a generally healthy mouth, or every 3 to 4 months if you have gum or periodontal disease. Regular teeth cleaning appointments are crucial to monitoring the health of your smile and ensuring you are on the right track to great oral health. So, when was the last time you had professional teeth cleaning?

To find out more about professional dental cleanings and what they can do for your smile, call Dr. Marlon Brown of Gateway Dental & Implant Center in Bethlehem, GA, at (470) 524-6600. Call today!

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