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What if my lower lip, chin, or tongue feels numb for several days after oral surgery?

Even when you ask all the right questions about your oral surgery, you may still have questions after surgery. It can be hard to tell what is and is not normal while you are recovering. It is common for your tongue, lips, or chin to feel numb for 24 hours after surgery. Depending on the type of surgery, and location of numbness, the sensation can last for a longer period. Some anesthetics, like Marcaine, also last longer, which adds to numbness.

Inflammation around the nerves in the surgical area can cause a loss of feeling or tingling sensation. Some inflammation is normal after surgical procedures. Swelling can continue to increase for two to three days after surgery so changes in numbness can be expected. Nerves may become bruised during procedures and they require time to heal.

Numbness after tooth extractions:

Loss of sensation in the lips, chin, or tongue is very common after tooth extractions, especially when teeth are removed in the lower jaw area. This includes wisdom tooth removal. In many cases, anti-inflammatory medication can elevate the problem.

Numbness after implant surgery:

Implant surgery can also involve bone grafting. It is common to have numbness in your chin or lips for one week to over one month after this type of oral surgery. The healing process is longer than other dental work. You should schedule a follow up appointment to ensure that the implants are healing correctly. Any issues will be checked at your appointment.

Numbness after denture placement:

Experiencing some numbness when you first receive dentures can be normal. Your mouth is becoming accustomed to your dental work. If numbness persists for more than a couple of days, have the fit of your dentures checked. Your dentures could be applying pressure on nerves that cause the numb sensation.

Numbness after root canals:

The back teeth in your lower jaw are close to major nerves. A root canal performed in this area can cause a numb sensation for a longer period. Actual nerve damage is not common but if the problem persists, schedule an appointment with us.

Follow all of the aftercare instructions provided. the doctor and our office will be glad to answer any questions you may have before or after your oral surgery. Everyone has different reactions to surgery. Please call us at Gateway Dental & Implant Center with your concerns; quick treatment of a problem can prevent the situation from worsening.

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